My dream pub would definitely be
The pub where all the drinks are free!
You can have any drink 24/7
You might just think you’ve arrived in heaven.
You could get food but not big meals
Just sandwiches, snacks and jellied eels.
The most delightful person you could ever see
Would be this pub’s landlady.
She’d give you a hug at any time
In between your sips of wine.
There’d be little swearing or negative talk
Just interesting conversation.
No very loud music to deafen us all
Few adverts from a radio station.
There wouldn’t be drunks or people feeling ill
And no dead flies on the window sill.
Come to this pub with a problem
And it will soon disappear.
I’ve heard it said that the reason
Is not just because of the beer.
The landlady’s called Mary
And the barman’s known as JC
And the Spirit is in the bottles
Beside the Christmas tree.
This pub – it really is like heaven.
You might think: “that sounds a bit odd!”
But you’d understand if I told you:
The landlord – he is God!
Written by Dave Evans & inspired by visits to the Harvey pub in West Swindon